karaoke club

Advanced club Troy, located in Uzbekistan.
A classy club where you can enjoy space and time most brilliantly.
Differentiated Package TROY CLUB


About Us

TROY is a Premium Karaoke Club located in the center of Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. The two-story building located near the international airport has a luxurious interior, LED & LASER lighting system, high-end audio equipment such as Bluetooth-linked amplifier, and karaoke equipment in Korean, Chinese, Russian, and English. In the atmosphere of your choice, you can relieve stress with your favorite music, various drinks, food, and hookah.

Our waiters and helpers, 9 rooms of various sizes, and 7 differentiated menu packages are responding to various customer needs, so please contact us.


Let me introduce the luxurious interior that catches your eyes and ears.


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